Starting a blog can be daunting, but with the right tools and mindset, it can be a breeze. As someone who is passionate about software development, video games, and travel, I knew I wanted to share my experiences with the world through my own blog. However, I didn’t want to spend a lot of time managing the website or writing markup and styling. That’s where Hugo came in.

Hugo is a static site generator written in Golang, which means it’s blazingly fast and easy to use. It supports Markdown, making it simple to create rich text using a plain text editor. With Hugo, I can write, commit, and push for publishing a new post without leaving my editor. It’s a tool that allows me to focus more on writing rather than managing the post.

But what about hosting the site? Maintaining a separate server requires time and capital, which can be a turnoff for those just starting out. Fortunately, I found Github Pages to be a simple solution for hosting a blog. As I already use GitHub for my projects, pushing blog changes would be as simple as pushing my code.

While there are other static site generators available like Jekyll, I chose Hugo because it’s faster and more performant. Plus, it’s written in Golang, which is a language I love. I started by installing Hugo and followed the quickstart guide on the Hugo blog. This article was created to test the rendering of my blog.

In the coming weeks, I plan to write a more detailed post on each step involved in creating this blog, including how to customize the theme and add new features.

As someone who is always looking for interesting stories to share, I’m excited to explore new places, learn about new technologies, and try out new games. I believe that storytelling is a powerful tool. I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences with you all. Stay tuned!